Moong & Moringa Soup is a nutritious and flavorful dish made from yellow moong dal (lentils) and moringa leaves. Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, it supports immunity and overall...
Fresh Mutter Cranberry Pesto is a unique twist on the traditional pesto, made with fresh green peas (mutter) and cranberries for a vibrant, tangy flavor. This delicious pesto combines blanched...
Lasooni Methi is a flavorful Indian dish made with fenugreek leaves (methi) and garlic (lasoon). The garlic is sautéed to a golden brown, adding a rich, aromatic flavor to the...
Winter can be a tough season, especially with colds lingering around, but I’ve got the perfect remedy: Badam Gond Ki Raab! This traditional Gujarati drink is not only delicious but...
The Mango Chocolate Collar Cake is a visually striking dessert that combines the tropical sweetness of mango with rich, velvety chocolate. The cake features layers of moist sponge or chocolate...
The Cherry Basbousa is an eggless suji (semolina) cake, known for its moist texture and sweet flavor. Made with semolina, powdered sugar, desiccated coconut, and milk, it’s flavored with vanilla...
An eggless chocolate cake made in a microwave is a quick and easy dessert option, ideal for those avoiding eggs. It’s prepared with simple ingredients like flour, cocoa powder, sugar,...
Pomegranate Beetroot Juice, also known as the skin glow juice, is a nutritious blend packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help enhance skin health. The pomegranate provides rich polyphenols,...
Ready to elevate your dessert game this New Year? Introducing my Sitafal Kunafa Pudding! This irresistible blend of flavors is the sweet indulgence you didn’t know you needed! Imagine delicate...
As the chilly season rolls in, it’s crucial to boost our defenses against the cold and flu. Lots of us find ourselves battling coughs and sniffles this time of year....
Delhi Style Matar Kulcha is a popular North Indian street food consisting of soft, fluffy kulchas paired with spiced white peas (matar). The kulchas are made from wheat flour, leavened...
Stuffed Matar Naan is a delicious and flavorful Indian bread that incorporates spiced green peas (matar) filling. This delightful variation of traditional naan bread adds a burst of taste and...